Editor’s July 2010
As a director of Comex with a long association with the Glebe centre it is pleasing that at the moment the centre is doing well.. The funding crisis has past for the moment and some really excellent volunteers have come forward. One lady called Monica who has spent some time helping at the Glebe told of her experiences at the last meeting of Comex.
She found the challenges quite inspiring and one case she had been very involved in who was a long term alcoholic, once he had been started on the road to recovery, bought a packet of sweets with his first benefit cheque and immediately shared his sweets with Monica.
No big deal you may say,
but for those who live totally disorganised lives that the achievement of filling in a form to get some line of support is a real milestone. If they do not start on that path the road down will inevitably end in premature death and a totally wasted life.
Certainly the Glebe has offered that support for a great many years and saved a lot of those lives. The support given by this church to the Glebe. If we can move along to forge closer partnerships with like minded support organisations we can be even more effective.
Message from Jason working on our garden project in Niger
We have just distributed cow pea and peanut seeds to our women's garden participants. Once those are harvested we can plan another round of vegetable gardens. This is a crucial time right now as the sparse rains have just started. Depending on how much rain falls we will know how the food security situation will play out for the next year and if the current near famine will turn into an
acute disaster situation. We can't control the rains, but our garden interventions have certainly been a huge blessing to the families touched by the project, on the larger scale probably a key to preventing future famine. Our sincere thanks for your interest and your efforts on behalf of Niger.
Pictures at oaktreetrust.blogspot.com
Let us all pray for some good rain there in Niger!!
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