Other Dates for your June diary
June 1st Glebe Service 1.30pm
June 7th Elders 7.30pm
12th June Working Party
14th June Coffee morning 11 am
20th June Father’s Day service
23rd June Joint Pastorate meeting 2pm
26th June Summer Fair 2pm
27th June Memorial Service
28th June Coffee morning 11 am
July 1st Elders meeting 7.30pm
Brownie meetings
Thursday evening 6pm to 7.30pm
Girls between ages of 7 to 10 years
For details please ring Fiona 01922 685063
Or Yvonne on 01922 682078
Brownies is the only uniformed organisation to meet on Thursdays..
This month the Church will be praying especially for the people who live in the following streets :
n Rock Lane Trent Place Walker Road Shakespeare Crescent.
Gree But April never stopped smiling
April never grew up. She was born severely brain damaged and in all her 17 years of babyhood she was never able to walk, feed herself, or do any of countless things other children learn so quickly and so well
Her beautiful blue eyes were sightless, she never uttered a word. But her parents and all those who gave her loving care for 24 hours a day knew there was one thing April COULD do and that was to smile
She smiled almost every minute. She smiled when she was fed, when she was washed, when her arms and legs were moved to keep them from our stiffening.
She smiled at music, at the sound of her name, at the feel of sunshine on her face.
A few days ago April died as quietly as she had lived. I know people who never met her might think she had a rather sad existence. But every life on earth has its worth and there is a special value in the lives like April’s that are passed in innocence.
She is greatly missed by all who loved her and who now treasure the memory of that wonderful smile.
Farewell Service
A few people have asked me if they need an invitation to the Farewell Service on July 31st at 3pm at Broadway United Reformed Church.
I am hoping that as many of you as possible will be able to come and share with me at this significant time. I am delighted to be able to tell you that Revd. Elizabeth Welch will be preaching at the service and we will be sharing some refreshments after the service. We have journeyed together for the last 13 years, seeking together to find God’s purpose for the people at Blakenall, and I do hope that you will be able to come and share this thanksgiving service with me.
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