Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Editor’s letter March 2010
Dear Friends
One of the delightful experiences is , after being a parent , to become grandparents and the half term brings the joy of the opportunity to look after in my case two granddaughters !
Even get the chance to do the Godparent bit of playing a few hymns and stories about that magical person Jesus ,which does make a refreshing change from that bad old world out there with much depressing and often demoralising news every day.!
My time has also been taken up by showing a large number of hopeful potential candidates around Walsall South to enter the ballot and so stand as the potential replacement for Bruce George. I pray that someone of quality whatever the politics comes forward to take on the very challenging role of representing the people.!
Regards Ian

Update on water wells and Haiti
You may have read in the papers that there has been a ‘military coup’ in Niger… but our friends there are well away from the Capital and has not affected the water well progress… the wonders of emails!
On the Haiti front managed to purchase 7 tents in Aldridge for £750 including 3 which will ‘house’ 20 people. A friend was going to Haiti and persuaded British Airways to allow free hand luggage for him to a weight of 300kg.. So these tents are now in use outside the main hospital in Port-O-Prince with photos on their way… as is the rainy season in May when those who are homeless will be in desperate need of shelter. I have found a route and a carrier for a 40 ft container to get there ( to a port near Capital) in 4 weeks via Rotterdam from Walsall which could be filled with tents for around $60K … must get on with the tin rattling!!

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