Monday, March 29, 2010

Blakenall United Reformed Church
welcomes you.
Other Dates for your April diary

April 1st Maundy Thursday Hatherton
April 2nd Walk of Witness 10.15am
Good Friday Supper and Service 7pm
4th Easter Sunday Service 11 am
6th Glebe Service 1.30pm
12th Retreat in daily living
12th Coffee Morning 11am
13th All Saints ‘Easter and Me’ talk 7.30pm
14th Elders meeting 7.30pm
19th Retreat in Daily Living
26th Retreat in Daily Living
26th Coffee morning 11 am
3rd May Retreat in Daily Living

Brownie meetings
Thursday evening 6pm to 7.30pm
Girls between ages of 7 to 10 years
For details please ring Fiona 01922 685063
Or Yvonne on 01922 682078
Brownies is the only uniformed organisation to meet on Thursdays..
This month the Church will be praying especially for the people who live in the following streets :
Hollemeadow Ave, Blakenall Lane
Foster street Dawson Street
Dear Friends,
We do not often read Mark’s account of Easter morning on Easter day. The last verse leaves us with the women fleeing from the tomb terrified and amazed. They have just encountered a young man in the tomb, dressed in white who has given them a message to deliver to the disciples – that Jesus is risen and has gone ahead of them to Galilee!
It is not surprising that we don’t read this version on the day that is full of joy and hope and gladness. Surely fear has no part in our Easter story – what are they afraid of?
Are they afraid of the ridicule that such an utterly unlikely story will bring?
Are they afraid because Jesus’ body has gone and they have found a stranger in his tomb? Or are they afraid that all the old certainties have been blown away – death is no longer the end, God’s power is no longer contained within the temple but has broken loose into the world? Now that is a fearful, amazing, terrifying possibility.
Perhaps we constrain God’s power; assume we know how God thinks about things; keep God in a little box of prejudices of our own making.
Easter is the day above all other days when we realise that God has broken through all our old certainties; challenged our ideas that God is made in our image rather than the other way round; amazed us with the realisation of a power that conquers even death. Now that kind of power is enough to make us afraid and amazed.
Consider this – Jesus, God in human form, has broken free from the worst that human beings can do to him. The shackles of death have been broken and he strides ahead of us to a new future, invincible, magnificent, calling us into new life with him. O – I think we might be a little afraid on Easter morning but who can resist such an invitation?
This Easter let us stride out boldly again to follow the one who calls us to new life in Him.
Joy and Love and High Adventure with Him this Easter.
Dear Friends,
As you read this, Easter will have arrived. We have waited for it, we have prepared for it in our Lent courses, our extra readings and our activities; now all of nature seems to say, “The season of cold and darkness is over, the weeks of wrestling between winter and spring are past, and once again, spring has won.

Against all expectations, even the coldest of winters could not destroy our native wildlife. We had a very sad time in January and February, when our pond was covered in ice for too long, and as soon as the ice had gone, we fished one dead goldfish and 16 dead frogs out of the pond. The water looked black and completely life-less. We wondered if animal life would ever return to the pond. And then, one day last week, there was unmistakeably a clump of frogspawn. The next morning at sunrise, I heard some croaking and saw two heads bobbing out of the pond. And today, I counted 12 frogs and four clumps of spawn. Where did they all come from? How had they all survived the extreme cold? And what would they find to eat now? Working in the garden today, I came across creepy-crawlies galore. Nature is indeed coming back to life.
Easter is on one level symbolic of the re-awakening of nature, and that is the festival’s popular appeal. But on another level, it tells us of a much deeper, much stronger life-force: Jesus went through the ultimate suffering, even death, and against all expectations he was raised to new life on Easter Day. This is more astonishing than the spectre of nature coming back to life after a harsh winter. Our common sense tells us that such things don’t happen: when someone is dead, that’s the end of their life.

Yet, this once, it did happen: Jesus was raised to new life, his love was stronger than all his enemies, even stronger than death. And with him, we his followers, have the promise of life in him, life of a new, eternal quality.
No wonder Easter is the greatest festival in the Christian calendar.

Have a Happy Easter,

Editor’s letter April 2010
Dear Friends
It has been a busy few weeks with the MP for Walsall South announcing his retirement and a large number of hopeful candidates beating a path to my door to seek nomination for his replacement as candidate. The recent bad press for politicians seems not to have put off those who seek the job! I did try to be fair and showed them round Walsall, told them all the issues and the vote winner is a Valerie Vaz.. A long term friend of mine suggested to me that there should be a move to put up independent ‘Christian’ candidates who would gradually take over to leave this Country run by a bunch of Christians. He may have a point but I am not sure that would solve all the issues … maybe they could learn some lessons from the bible and so gain back the respect of the people!
The report back from Niger reveals that the water wells are working, the seeds provided are doing well and despite a few bureaucratic spanners thrown in by the Government, it looks like a success. I would like to plan to take groups of young people across to join in the project and learn about the problems that the majority of God’s people face… where is there clean water, where is the next meal coming from and how can I keep myself and my family well and sheltered with some access to some education as a luxury.
Next project is the container to Haiti, an offer by a heart surgeon from Birmingham to do some operations on needy children in Durban South Africa in April , and some more cataract operations in Northern Pakistan in late April. I hope that the orphanage restoration project in Fondwa Haiti will succeed .. If you can look this name up on the internet. I pray that the arrangements will fall into place without too much hassle!

Regards Ian
P.s I have put up full report on church notice Board
Notices April 2010

Pulpit Arrangements Services start at 11.0 am
Good Friday April 2nd
Rev Franziska Herring 7pm
Sunday April 4th Easter Day
Rev Diana Cullum-Hall ( Communion)
Sunday April 11th Rev Franziska Herring
Sunday April 18th John Rammel
Sunday April 25th Rev Diana Cullum-Hall ( Communion )
You will be most welcome to join us.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Other Dates for your March diary

1st March Elders Meeting 7.30pm
4th March Lent Course 10.30am
5th March Lent Service St Chads 12.00noon
8th March Coffee Morning 11.00am
11th March Lent Course 10.30am
12th March Lent Service St Johns 12.00noon
12/13th March Synod Sizzle
18th March Lent Course 10.30am
19th March Lent Service Christchurch 12.00noon
22nd March Coffee Morning 11.00am
23rd March) Church Meeting 2.00pm
Followed by a short Elders Profile Meeting
25th March Lent Course 10.30am
26th March Lent Lunch Blakenall URC 12.00noon
27th March Gift Morning 11.00am

Brownie meetings
Thursday evening 6pm to 7.30pm
Girls between ages of 7 to 10 years
For details please ring Fiona 01922 685063
Or Yvonne on 01922 682078
Brownies is the only uniformed organisation to meet on Thursdays..
This month the Church will be praying especially for the people who live in the following streets :
Field Road, Ingram Place Ingram Road, Booth Street and Close, Guild Avenue
Dear Friends,
This year we are running another Lent course at Blakenall and Broadway and you are most welcome to come and share this time of exploring new aspects of our faith. The session at Blakenall will be at 10.30am on Thursday mornings and the sessions at Broadway will be at 7.30pm on Thursday evenings. It will be the same session in the morning and the evening – so if you can’t make a morning session you can come to the evening. The course is called “On the Waters Edge”. We will be using a booklet put together by Christian Aid and it would be helpful to know how many booklets we will need. If you intend to come to the course, please could you let me know. Dates for the course can be found on posters in Church.
5th March 12 noon St Chads 12th March 12 noon St Johns
19th March 12 noon Christ Church 26th March 12 noon URC
Service followed by Soup and a Roll
Good Friday walk of witness starts at Park at 10.15am

Retreat in Daily Life
Broadway United Reformed Church
Gillity Avenue
Walsall WS5 3PH

TASTER EVENING: Monday, 22nd March, 7.30 pm

Then, if you want to commit yourself to the full Retreat,
there will be six Monday evenings to attend:
12th April – 17th May

For further details and to register, please contact
Revd. Franziska Herring
Dear Friends,
You have seen the pictures – a scene of utter devastation after the earthquake, and now there are people picking through the rubble, digging with bare hands, listening for the voices of any survivors, and then: a small gap in the rubble and a glass of water is passed through. Someone has been found alive and will in time be rescued, but in the meantime, their gruelling thirst can be quenched.

I believe this is a parable for the state of the soul: buried under the debris of our oh-so-busy everyday lives, its voice drowned out by many wants and needs, our souls get cut off from the Water of Life and are thirsting. When we start to dig, and listen for that still small voice, and dig again, we can make contact with the deepest needs of our souls and can create a channel through which God will pour untold blessings into our lives.

Over the course of our history, vast numbers of people have gone on retreat, have engaged in silent prayer for a day, a week, even a month, and have discovered that rich blessing. Few of us can or want to afford the time to go on such an extensive retreat, but at Broadway, we are now planning to run a Retreat in Daily Life. This is part of our special efforts for the Vision4Life Prayer Year.

It will encompass six weeks during April and May, when the participants will set aside a small amount of time, anything up to an hour, every day for different ways of praying and listening to that still, small voice within. The rest of the day is just normal everyday life, yet I like to think with a heightened awareness of God’s presence – finding God in all things.

Once a week, each participant (pilgrim, as we like to call them) meets up with a specially trained prayer companion for half an hour to talk through the experience of last week’s prayer and together work out where God will lead the pilgrim next. The first and last sessions of the retreat are group sessions lasting an hour and giving opportunities for praying together and sharing some insights.

I have now found seven fully trained prayer guides, who will travel to Walsall from as far afield as Wolverhampton, Lichfield and Tamworth and give their time to us free of charge. Each guide will be able to accompany up to three pilgrims, making it a maximum of 21 pilgrims. I have advertised the retreat in Church Links, so that people from other Walsall churches will be able to come as well.

On March 22nd, we will have a Taster Evening, where anyone can come along to try out whether this kind of prayer suits them, and after that we will sign up participants and allocate them to their individual companions. The retreat itself will be on Monday evenings, from 12th April to 17th March.

I sincerely hope that a good number of you will make use of this opportunity and find the blessing of which Jesus spoke when he said, “Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.”

God bless you all,
Communion Collection for Glebe CentreOver the last couple of months we have had items for sale for the Centre. It has proved a great success. Thanks to everyone who has bought items and put them in the box. It is good we help the disadvantaged of Walsall. Please continue to support the Glebe by buying the items for sale. This is not a fundraising event as all items are sold at the original purchase price. Thank you Jean Harper
Sunday Morning sales
I would like to thank everyone who supported Sunday Morning sales which this year made £680 for church funds.
It is not quite as good as last year but it is a good total towards much needed church funds. I think everyone knows that payments are greater than receipts so we need every penny.
Again many thanks to everyone who bought cakes, jam mince pies chocolate etc . Please keep up the good work in 2010
Jean Harper
Congratulations Jean on another wonderful effort and those lemon drizzle cakes…….
Message from Kath
After an appeal at a Local Neighbourhood Partnership meeting by Walsall Hospice. I have formed a new group to raise much needed funds for the Walsall Hospice. We are called WS3 Friends of Walsall Hospice. On February 10th myself and my brother did a sponsored walk. This was in memory of our late mother Muriel Fawdrey who died 15 years ago she was in desperate need for Hospice care, unfortunately the call came to late for her. From then on I helped to raise funds for the Walsall Hospice. The Hospice is now being built but much money is needed to fit it out for purpose. The final figure from the walk is ..............My brother and I had a very pleasant morning met with lots of people was even given a welcome cup of tea at Blakenall. We carried buckets and raised £83.94 thank you to all who supported us
Editor’s letter March 2010
Dear Friends
One of the delightful experiences is , after being a parent , to become grandparents and the half term brings the joy of the opportunity to look after in my case two granddaughters !
Even get the chance to do the Godparent bit of playing a few hymns and stories about that magical person Jesus ,which does make a refreshing change from that bad old world out there with much depressing and often demoralising news every day.!
My time has also been taken up by showing a large number of hopeful potential candidates around Walsall South to enter the ballot and so stand as the potential replacement for Bruce George. I pray that someone of quality whatever the politics comes forward to take on the very challenging role of representing the people.!
Regards Ian

Update on water wells and Haiti
You may have read in the papers that there has been a ‘military coup’ in Niger… but our friends there are well away from the Capital and has not affected the water well progress… the wonders of emails!
On the Haiti front managed to purchase 7 tents in Aldridge for £750 including 3 which will ‘house’ 20 people. A friend was going to Haiti and persuaded British Airways to allow free hand luggage for him to a weight of 300kg.. So these tents are now in use outside the main hospital in Port-O-Prince with photos on their way… as is the rainy season in May when those who are homeless will be in desperate need of shelter. I have found a route and a carrier for a 40 ft container to get there ( to a port near Capital) in 4 weeks via Rotterdam from Walsall which could be filled with tents for around $60K … must get on with the tin rattling!!
Blakenall United Reformed Church

March 2010

Rev Diana Cullum-Hall
01922 627671
Rev Franziska Herring
01543 423268
Notices March 2010

Pulpit Arrangements Services start at 11.0 am
Sunday March 7th Rev Franziska Herring
Sunday March 14th Rev Diana Cullum-Hall
Sunday March 21st Ray Bunn
Sunday March 28th Rev Diana Cullum-Hall
( Communion )
You will be most welcome to join us.

Porch and Offertory
Marion Ellis Yvonne McMillan

Elder Duty
Kath Phillips

Communion Servers
Cynth Murray Kath Phillips

Coffee Rota
March 7th Judy Sumner
March 14th Kath Phillips
March 21st Cynthia Murray
March 28th Audrey Wright