Monday, December 3, 2012

December News

Notices December 2012

Pulpit Arrangements     Services start at 11.0 am

Sunday  2nd John Austin

 Sunday  9th Ges Murray Parade

Sunday    16th Ges Murray

Sunday    Revd Wilbert Sayamani    ( communion)

24th Christingle 4pm Revd Wilbert Sayamani

25th CHRISTMAS am service 9.30 Revd Sayamani                                   You will be most welcome to join us. 

  Editor’s newsletter December

Dear All,

 Christmas is round again... Does not seem five minutes since we celebrated in 2011!

A time to spend with our families and friends and maybe also review what we have been able to achieve over the past year. News elsewhere can seem depressing... Conflict in Gaza with the main sufferers being totally innocent civilians.. All in the region where the Son of God was born over 2000 year ago and we approach the anniversary of His birthday this month. I am sure we will all be praying that peace will prevail ... Another tragedy of a school bus wiped out by a train on a level crossing in Egypt with the loss of over 50 lives mostly tiny children... Their parents will be in our prayers who must be in agony caused by their loss.

In our area, many residents will be facing a tough 2013 with severe pressures on their budgets and their lives with more cuts to come. I hope we can offer support and help as Christians to those who are facing such difficult times.


We have had a momentous year in our church with the arrival of our new Minister.  There must be an opportunity for us in 2013 to reach out and connect with our local community and emphasise the Good news message that sustains us as Christians .

I do hope you all rejoice together the Christmas and that the Holy Spirit will refresh you and prepare us all for the new year ahead with all the challenges good and bad that will happen.


Regards   Ian


The year is almost coming to a close and we can look back with a measure of satisfaction at what the Lord has done for us and through us in the course of the year.  We are again coming to that season of the year when everyone gets busy, rushing in many different directions. The tragedy and the irony of it all is that often, the real reason for the season, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is forgotten, somewhat unconsciously or unintentionally.
 It is therefore important that I remind us all that Advent is that time of the year when we prepare for the Lord’s coming. At this time, most of our churches even light candles, read scripture passages and offer prayers related to the anticipation of God’s incarnation in Jesus Christ. So before the rush begins it is important to stop, reflect and listen for the voice of God. It is this quiet reflection that will  redirect us into a place of quiet and peace as we think of our salvation, grace and Love. We suddenly come to that profound awareness that if God had not chosen to come to the world in His Son we all would not be here. This holy moment leads us into a place and spirit of thankfulness and gratitude.
While I was thinking about these things, I again stopped to ask about what I am thankful for in our Pastorate. Few things came to mind. Our leadership, the    Elders and all those who lead and are involved in different capacities; Pins and Needles, Friendship group, Bible study leaders, home group fellowships,  Brownies, Brigades, Pop In group, Coffee Mornings, Fish and chips events and many other activities that are going on in our Pastorate. I am also thankful to God for the Talent discovery and development that is bringing in a new wave of inspiration and excitement as we discover those talents that we have not been tapping into as a Pastorate. I am thankful for the manner in which we are        embracing change and responding positively to the fresh expressions of faith that the United Reformed Church in general is panting for. I am thankful for the  wonderful signs of Spiritual growth in our Pastorate.
My list can go on but let me stop and ask: “What are some of the things that you are thankful for in your life? As you consider your local congregation and your Pastorate in general, what are some of the things you are able to express gratitude and thanksgiving for? How is your congregation blessing those within your church and those outside? How are you blessing and encouraging your Minister and how is your Minister blessing and encouraging you? Are you at any point stopping to count your blessings at all or this is something you had not given a thought until now?
to give thanks to both God and the people around you.  Too many people today conclude rather quickly that they have nothing to be thankful for, and that is mostly because they allow their minds to be dominated by that which has been a discouraging or negative experience. In any case, the Apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that we must “in everything give thanks.” We need to be thankful in all things, to recognise the presence of God in sorrow as well as in joy, in the good experiences and even in the not so good ones. Are you thankful? Can you look up and thank the Lord every day and all the way, even sometimes through tears?
Christmas is a time for reconciliation, peace and hope. It is a time to know that no matter what we face and in spite of what is happening in our situations, God is in control: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful Councillor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end…”
Our thanks then must appropriately begin with what God has done, is doing and what we hope God will do. We simply need to acknowledge Him as the source of our blessings and hope. This time of Advent remind us that we must patiently wait on God to heal, restore and save us. We need to take time to listen to God’s voice, trust and act upon God’s word, and receive God’s peace. When we receive God’s peace, we will also realize that we are called to be agents of God’s peace and hope in the world. Are you an agent of God’s peace and hope at home, in your church and in the world?
I remain thankful for God’s bringing me here to be a part of you and serve Him with you in this way. I remain thankful of His Church with all its imperfections, failures and struggles. I do not know about you but advent and Christmas is a time to be hopeful and to expect the unexpected blessing from God. May you be surprised by grace and hope this Christmas?
Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year in the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Rev Wilbert Sayimani.
Other Dates for your December diary  and Future dates 
  Elders      5th Dec    9th Jan 2013   at 7pm
Church Meeting  22nd November  at 2pm
Church Meeting AGM now February 7th 2pm ( as Wilbert away during January)  . Also we are invited to:-
 Service for Sunshine School Monday 2.30pm December 10th ....
Christmas fair 1st December 2pm.
Coffee mornings 2nd and 4th Mondays 11 am
Christingle 24th December:  4pm
Church meetings last Thursday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November):
 AGM Thursday 7th February 2pm. 
Services to work with other 2 churches. We normally have parade 2nd Sunday and Communion 4th Sunday, Memorial service in June, Anniversary Service in September. 5th Sunday to continue to be joint service.
There will be drop in coffee mornings on :  
  Monday 10th December
Do come in and have a chat.. A friendly social!!
 This month the Church will be praying
especially for the people who live in the following streets :  
 Foster Str Dawson Str Thames Rd Mersey Road

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

August news

Notices August 2012

Pulpit Arrangements     Services start at 11.0 am

Sunday      5th August 

 Sunday      12th August

(Parade no uniformed organisation)

Sunday       19th August

Sunday      26th August Revd Wilbert Sayamani ( communion)

Other Dates for your August  diary  and Future dates 
 Church Meeting 26th July   Elders   5th  Sept.     Church Meeting 27th September  Elders 3rd  October    Elders 7th Nov

Beetle Drive Saturday 10th November 7pm.
Church Meeting 22nd November 
Elders 5th Dec    Elders 9th Jan 2013
Church Meeting AGM Jan 2013 31st 
Coffee mornings 2nd and 4th Mondays 11 am
 Gift day in September 
Autumn concert KB and YM:
Christingle 24th December:

Church meetings last Thursday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November):
 AGM 31st January 2013:
Services to work with other 2 churches. We normally have parade 2nd Sunday and Communion 4th Sunday, Memorial service in June, Anniversary Service in September. 5th Sunday to continue to be joint service.
There will be drop in coffee mornings on :  
                       13th August
Do come in and have a chat.. A friendly social!!

This month the Church will be praying
especially for the people who live in the following streets :
 Woodhall Hse; Woodhall Str: Church Str: Church View Close: Usk Close
Please note we have a prayer book on table for anyone to add names of those individuals who are in need of our prayers 
From the congregation at
Blakenall United Reformed Church
At the junction of Blakenall Lane & Chantry Avenue

Junior Church and the Crèche are held at same times as the Sunday service
Youth Club  at present is not running but we would like to    resume if there is support..
Keep fit Wednesday 2.30pm to 3.30 pm
—————————————————————————Beavers ( age 6-8)  Mondays 6 to7 pm
Cubs  ( age 8—10  1/2 )      Monday 7 to8 pm
Scouts  ( age101/2 to 14)     Tuesday 7 to 8.30pm
Explorer Scouts ( 14 –18) Monday 7—8.30pm
Contact Gail Cotterill    07594530825
Brownie meetings        Thursday evening 6pm to 7.30pm
Girls between ages of 7 to 10 years
For details please ring   Fiona 01922 685063
Or Yvonne 01922 682078
Church Secretary Ian Robertson 01922 634642 or 07956829549


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Welcome to Revd Wilbert Sayamani

Congratulations to super scout Ges Murray

Welcome to super scout Ges Murray
Congtratluations and thanks for all that loyal service to young people.

Monday, April 23, 2012

May events

Notices May 2012

Pulpit Arrangements Services start at 11.0 am

Sunday 6th May Cynthia Dunn

Sunday 13th May Kath Phillips

Sunday 20th May Frank Claire

Sunday 27th May Ges Murray

( communion)

You will be most welcome to join us.

Porch and Offertory

Lilian Mason and Audrey Wright

Elder Duty

Ian Robertson

Communion Servers

Kath and Maurice Phillips

Coffee Rota

Sunday 6th May Kath Phillips

Sunday 13th May Cynthia Murray

Sunday 20th May Sheila Wooton Doreen Boucher

Sunday 27th May Joan Gwinnett Gwen Smith

Other Dates for your May diary and Future dates

Elders 2nd May 7pm. Church Meeting 24th May 2pm

Elders 6th June Elders 4th July Church Meeting 26th July

Elders 5th Sept. Church Meeting 27th September

Elders 3rd October Elders 7th Nov

Church Meeting 22nd November

Elders 5th Dec Elders 9th Jan 2013

Church Meeting AGM Jan 2013 31st

Coffee mornings 2nd and 4th Mondays 11 am

15th June Jumble sale 2pm.

Summer fair 23rd June: Gift day in September

Autumn concert KB and YM:

Christingle 24th December:

Induction Wilbert 19th May 11am at Broadway:

Church meetings last Thursday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November):

AGM 31st January 2013:

Services to work with other 2 churches. We normally have parade 2nd Sunday and Communion 4th Sunday, Memorial service in June, Anniversary Service in September. 5th Sunday to continue to be joint service.

There will be drop in coffee mornings on :

8th and 22nd May

Do come in and have a chat.. A friendly social!!

This month the Church will be praying

especially for the people who live in the following streets :

Severn Rd Harden Rd Barracks Lane Green Rock Lane.

Please note we have a prayer book on table for anyone to add names of those individuals who are in need of our prayers

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April news

Notices April 2012

Pulpit Arrangements Services start at 11.0 am

Sunday 1st April Kath Phillips Palm Sunday

Sunday 8th April Easter Day Ges Communion

Sunday 15th April Wayde favourite hymns

Sunday 22nd April Rev Roy Lowes

( communion)

Sunday 29th April Joint Pastorate at Hatherton URC

You will be most welcome to join us.

Porch and Offertory

Marion Ellis Yvonne McMillan

Elder Duty

Kath Phillips

Communion Servers

Ges Murray Ian Robertson

Coffee Rota

1st April Kath Phillips

8th April Lilian Mason

15th April Cynthia Murray

22nd April Jean Gwinnett Gwen Smith

29th April joint service at Hatherton URC

29th April

Revd Wilbert Sayimani

Latest news is that Wilbert has applied for his visa but sadly his wife’s father died suddenly which has delayed progress in the application.

The date of Saturday 19th May has been suggested as a possibility for the Rev Roy Lowes to take the induction service which may be at 11am. The invite letters will go out very soon when everyone agreed! With the caveat that this may have to be altered again if further delays happen with the visa for Wilbert and his family.

We shall pray that this is resolved as soon as possible.

The secretary will post details on notice board as soon as possible and details announced in the notices for church services

Future dates

Thursday 29th March Church meeting 2pm.

Thursday5th April Communion service Broadway URC 7.30pm

Friday 6th April Good Friday Walk of witness Bloxwich Park to All Saints 10am

7pm Bread and cheese followed by short service

Thursday 26th April F and M

There will be drop in coffee mornings on :

1st April and 23rd April

Do come in and have a chat.. A friendly social!!

This month the Church will be praying

especially for the people who live in the following streets :

Foster Street Dawson Street Thames Road

Please note we have a prayer book on table for anyone to add names of those individuals who are in need of our prayers

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March newsletter

Notices March 2012

Pulpit Arrangements Services start at 11.0 am

Sunday 4th March Frank Claire

Sunday 11th March Mike Smith

Sunday 18th March Wayde Lefevre ( Mothering Sunday)

Sunday 25th March Ges Murray ( communion)

You will be most welcome to join us.

Porch and Offertory

Bernard Wright Ray Moorhouse

Elder Duty

Ges Murray

Communion Servers

Wayde Lefevre and Jean Harper

Coffee Rota

4th March Judy Sumner

11th March Cynthia Murray

18th March Audrey wright

25th March Sheila Wright Doreen Boucher

March Editor’s newsletter

Dear Friends,

We start a new year with the arrival of our new Minister Revd Wilbert Sayimani and his family due early April. I am sure we will all be rallying round to help him . He has passed easily his English exam and is now applying for a visa for himself and his family. He is intending to leave for Walsall around 8th April and the date pencilled in for his induction is Saturday 21st April 4pm at Broadway. Do put this in your diary. It looks fairly definite …!

The Manse is now ready and our part of the welcoming will be to provide some immediate food to stock the larder!!

Despite the troubles we face at home, the dreadful situation for the people in Syria must give us all serious concerns. ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” is the quote that comes to mind..

The latest report by Amnesty International makes depressing reading:

Humanitarian aid agencies must be allowed immediate and unhindered access to Homs and other affected areas, Amnesty International said today.

The Bab ‘Amr district of the city has come under intensive shelling for more than 17 days, during which time Amnesty has received the names of 465 people reported to have been killed in Homs.

Residents of Bab ‘Amr have told Amnesty that the shelling and exchanges of fire have destroyed the electricity and water networks, and there is little prospect of them being restored. Because of the lack of electricity, residents are unable to refrigerate food, adding to already severe shortages of food, including babies’ milk.

The area is also facing a critical shortage of medical supplies and medical personnel. Some of those who spoke to Amnesty said that there was now only one doctor providing medical treatment in the makeshift clinic in Bab ‘Amr.

I am sure you will join me in praying that good men and women will act now

Best wishes

Ian ( church secretary)

Other Dates for your March diary

Future dates

Elders Thursday 8th March 7pm.

Thursday 29th March Church meeting 2pm.

Thursday 26th April F and M

Lent Course at Broadway 2012 7.30p.m.

Thursday 23rd February 2012

Thursday 1st March 2012

Thursday 8th March 2012 – but it’s our ELDERS meeting

Thursday 15th March 2012

No Lent course on 22nd March 2012

Thursday 29th March 2012

There will be drop in coffee mornings on :

12th and 26th March

Do come in and have a chat.. A friendly social!!

This month the Church will be praying

especially for the people who live in the following streets :

Booth Close Guild Avenue Hollemeadow ave, Blakenall Lane

Please note we have a prayer book on table for anyone to add names of those individuals who are in need of our prayers