Monday, August 29, 2011

News for September

Wednesday 7th September Joint elders with Broadway and Hatherton

Church Meeting Thursday 22nd September 2pm.

There will be drop in coffee mornings on

Monday September 11th 11am

Saturday 17th September 11am to 1pm Gift Morning

Monday 26th September. At 11 am…

Do come in and have a chat.. A friendly social!!

This month the Church will be praying especially for the people who live in the following streets :

Severn Rd, Harden Rd,

Barracks Lane, Green Rock Lane
Notice for all members of the congregation

Thanks from Franziska

Dear Friends

Thank you so much for the friendly farewell you gave me and for your lovely presents

The cake was beautiful– thank you Jean!- and the vase is something I will always treasure as a re minder of you. And the tray will be a very useful reminder of your beautiful building.

My God bless you in your future walk of discipleship and in your search for a new minister

Love to you all


Notice of appeal Saturday in September

There will be a special gift morning with coffee on

Saturday 17th September from 11am to 1pm

The overspend of our reserves continues to run at about £1300. We are hoping that everyone who loves our Church and wants to respond to Jesus’ love in their lives will come along and give a contribution to help with our finances.

Please bring your family and friends to the morning to support the work of the church.

God bless you all

The Elders.
September 2011 Editor’s newsletter

Dear Friends,

August was the month of Ramadan when those who follow the Koran fast during the hours of daylight and join together for a meal at sunset. We put on a free meal on Friday 12th August in St Paul’s car park for about 100 invited guests coming from the disadvantaged in Walsall… a lovely atmosphere and the current Mayor Clrl Garry Perry and the Mayoress joined us to help serve the meal. One of the 5 pillars of Islam is to give and share with the less fortunate than ourselves and this event was run by myself as a director of a ‘Christian’ charity with St Paul’s as the church along with Midlands International Aid Trust and Mohammed Aslam MBE who represents a mainly Muslim charity here in Walsall. The significance of these two charities joining together to welcome those disadvantaged members of our society during Ramadan for the last 4 years shows that we all care about our fellow human beings whatever their beliefs or status in life. My colleague Aslam is off to the refugee camps in Kenya taking some large donations to directly help those who have really hit rock bottom with the war and the drought. Hopefully we shall do some more fund raising during September with a street collection on Saturday 17th September in Walsall Town centre… if you can spare a hour or so to rattle a tin please contact me… the money will go direct with no overheads to help those in the Horn of Africa and I can report back on exactly where the money is spent and who benefited. The mosques during Ramadan will be donating some £20K for this cause which is wonderful to evidence people practising what they preach!!



My home number is 01922 634642 and mobile 07956 829549

You can email me on Please feel free to call me