Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A welcome awaits you at Blakenal Church

June 2011 Editor’s and Church Secretary newsletter

Dear All,

I hope you all voted on May 5th? It was Archbishop Tutu who said anyone who thinks that religion and politics do not mix is reading a different Bible to me’ I do welcome the comments of those are ministers on the pathways and policies that various Governments implement Likewise it is great that those who lead us in Government indicate that they follow God… revelations of others whose various misdeeds on such items as expense claims fill me with despair along with the poor example that many in public life seem to show. Now I know many of us would not claim to be perfect but I am sure we can at least sleep well at night!

We can see that unfortunately relatively few local residents vote as well as not come to our church.. Some do not see either as relevant to their lives and joining in will make no difference to their lives and this appears to be especially true for many young people.

Somehow we have to communicate to them what a breath of fresh air will happen to their lives if they come to know God and Jesus better and how this will enhance their life here on earth. How to do this? While I do not follow their thinking the Jehovah's Witnesses do get out there knocking doors… as I have been doing canvassing for votes over the last three months… Now I will let you into a sort of secret.. We go for door knocking on those who have voted on the marked register only.. Pity there is not a marked register for those who have at some time been to church...however I am sure someone is watching!! Please give some thought on how we can recruit more to also ‘vote’ with their feet to be a Christian.



Ian editor.. My home number is 01922 634642 and mobile 07956 829549

You can email me on Please feel free to call me

June message

Dear Friends,

This month we celebrate the birthday of the Church at Pentecost. With the poring out of the Holy Spirit the followers of Jesus were given an abiding resource to help them discern the will of God, to be strengthened for a difficult path through life and to build a community of believers that would endure.

We still have that same resource. It is the Holy Spirit who prompts each of us to attend worship. It is the Holy Spirit who helps us read the Bible with some level of understanding, and it is the Holy Spirit who binds us together into a community of love and care.

Pentecost is therefore a festival where we not just celebrate a birthday and remember the past. It is a festival for our present walk of life and for trusting God to lead us into the future.

In May, I went onto a retreat on Holy Island, and the opportunities I had there enabled me to gain some clarity about my future life and ministry. Holy Island is renowned for its Celtic spirituality, and looking at the beautiful pictures and prayers that come out of the Lindisfarne Scriptorium made me think how the twists and turns of Celtic patterns mirror the paths we take through life: how we have to turn around and face a new direction so many times in our lives; how we tend to stray from the narrow path that leads to Life and have to turn back again and again.

As we get older, change becomes a more daunting prospect, yet it is part of being human to have a wonderfully adaptable brain: unlike other animals, our brains take 20 years to develop, and even in old age we can still learn new things and adapt to new ways. This is how our Creator makes us able to follow the convoluted path signposted by the Holy Spirit.

So keep listening to the inner voice of the Holy Spirit and have a Happy Pentecost,


Brownie meetings

Thursday evening 6pm to 7.30pm Girls between ages of 7 to 10 years For details please ring Fiona 01922 685063

Or Yvonne on 01922 682078

Brownies is the only uniformed organisation to meet on Thursdays..

This month the Church will be praying especially for the

people who live in the following streets :

Stanley Str.

Penderal Str.

Victoria Ave.

Hamilton Str.

Ryle Str.