Notices April 2011
Pulpit Arrangements Services start at 11.0 am
Sunday 3rd April Ray Bunn (Mothering Sunday)
Sunday 10th April Rev Franziska Herring Parade
Commitment for life
Sunday 17th April Ges Murray
Thursday 21st Rev Franziska Herring 7.30pm
Maundy Thursday with communion
Friday 22nd April Good Friday Rev Franziska Herring
Sunday 24th April Easter Day Rev Franziska Herring
with Communion
You will be most welcome to join us.
Porch and Offertory
Bernard Wright Audrey Wright
Elder Duty
Ges Murray
Communion Servers
Cynth Murray and Ian Robertson
Coffee Rota
3rd Cynthia Murray
10th Sheila Wooton Doreen Boucher
17th Lilian Mason
24th Gwen Smith
Dear Friends,
As I am writing to you, we are half-way through Lent: through the period of preparing for Easter in whichever way each of us has chosen to mark it. Our Lent course is going well. We have so far had some very enjoyable and enriching discussions on the Lent course, and I am grateful to be able to experience the fellowship and depth of sharing here at Blakenall.
This year, it is Blakenall’s turn to host the Maundy Thursday Communion for the Walsall Pastorate. We hope we’ll have a good time of fellowship with one another and with our friends from Broadway and Hatherton. On the next day, Good Friday, we’ll have the Churches Together Walk of Witness in the morning and our traditional Frugal Supper in the evening.
And then Easter: arguably the greatest Church festival of the year! Easter reminds us that we serve a risen Saviour – that He is in charge of our community, and we can and must rely on His power too lead us into the future.
One week later, we’ll be looking forward to the Royal Wedding. We’ll have a party here at Blakenall in the afternoon. If recent social events like the Beetle Drive on 26th March are anything to go by, we’ll have an excellent time of fun and fellowship. And we’ll have more opportunities to grow together as a community of friends. A friendly and welcoming community is the prerequisite, if our church is to grow – both in numbers and in the spiritual maturity of all its members.
So do join us for all our April celebrations, and have a Happy Easter,
Saturday 16th April
Congregational Social Evening in the Church Hall
Time 7 pm to approx 9pm
Tickets £1
Bring a Plate ( with goodies on it… to Share
Do you have any ideas for future Social Events?
Would you be willing to help at these events?
If you want Social Events it is up to you to support them if at all possible.
Why not bring a friend along?
Church Social Secretary.
To a Royal Wedding Party
At Blakenall United Reformed Church
On Friday, 29th April
3 pm
With a Bring and Share Tea
Contributions will be received towards our Chosen Charity
for you Royal Wedding Presents (the Manse Fund)
Other Dates for your April diary
1st April Lent Lunch – All Saints Noon
5th April Service at the Glebe Centre 1.30pm
7th April Lent Course 11.30am at Blakenall
And 7.30pm at Broadway
8th April Lent Lunch – Blakenall URC Noon
11th April Coffee Morning 11.00am
12th April Elders Meeting 7.30pm
14th April Lent Course 11.30am at Blakenall
And 7.30pm at Broadway
14th April F & M Meeting 7.30pm
15th April Lent Lunch – St Peters Noon
16th April Congregation Social & Bring a Plate of Food to share 7pm to 9pm
21st April Joint Maundy Thursday Communion at our Church 7.30pm
22nd April Walk of Witness 10.15am
22nd April Frugal Supper and Service 7.00pm
29th April Joint Pastorate “Royal Wedding Party & Donation 3.00pm
To Manse Fund” – Bring a Plate of Food to Share
Brownie meetings
Thursday evening 6pm to 7.30pm Girls between ages of 7 to 10 years For details please ring Fiona 01922 685063
Or Yvonne on 01922 682078
Brownies is the only uniformed organisation to meet on Thursdays..
This month the Church will be praying especially for the people who live in the following streets :
Church Street Church View Close, Usk Close
any issues please ring Ian Robertson -01922 634642