Friday, September 3, 2010


August 2010

I am sure those who watched the programme on Haiti would have been concerned that most of the aid promised from the major agencies has not got there mainly because of Government red tape. It has been my experience that often raising the donations is much easier than the business of transporting or transferring the aid to the right place and to the right people in need, which is why I have always taken the principle to look after that side with great diligence , aiming support to areas that the major agencies do not reach… small communities off the main routes and build very direct links with that local community often using trusted partner charities to ensure sustainable follow up support and communication..
We have planned support with our partner organisation in Walsall to provide cataract camps in the hills of northern Pakistan in October and in Walsall provide the usual free meal at sunset at St pauls probably on 10th September where Christians will join our Muslim friends to give out an outdoor meal to those invited disadvantaged in Walsall.
Other projects will involve a health project in Malawi  and more water wells with seed provision in Niger… that project has been very successful in an area currently nearly in famine conditions..

I have been a bit busy with my daughter’s wedding this month which did go well. It is to me magical when two people make those vows before God and two families also come together...sadly the numbers marrying is falling…
However we must as a church outreach to especially those young  people who unfortunately see religion ( and politics!) as not relevant to their future. I hope at Blakenall we can be guided to find a successful way to attract this part of the community
we celebrate 40 years this year… maybe the secret is always to have the last word…’yes dear’             I hope we all enjoy the summer break.
Editor… links to web sites and newsletters are as follows

August notices

Notices August  2010

Pulpit Arrangements     Services start at 11.0 am
Sunday  1st August                      Ges Murray
Sunday   8th August                  Ges Murray
Sunday    15th August  Cynthia Dunn
Sunday    22nd August Ges Murray  
Sunday 29th August Rev Franziska Herring Communion
You will be most welcome to join us.
Porch and Offertory  

    Bernard and Audrey Wright
Elder Duty

 Ms Wayde Taylor  
Communion Servers 

 Kath Phillips and Jean Harper

Coffee Rota  
 1st August Cynth Murray
8th August Sheila Wooten and Doreen Boucher
15th August Ray and Chris Moorhouse
22nd August Lilian Mason
29th August Kath Phillips